seeing through another person's scheme (e.g. lies and flattery) 意味

  • seeing through another person's scheme (e.g. lies and flattery)



  1. "seeing the danger, the driver brought the car to a stop"の英語
  2. "seeing the fighter planes in action was terrifying"の英語
  3. "seeing the old picture of herself, so clearly healthy, happy and carefree, made her incredibly sad"の英語
  4. "seeing this destruction day after day, the children became deeply disturbed"の英語
  5. "seeing through"の英語
  6. "seeing to"の英語
  7. "seeing voices"の英語
  8. "seeing with one's own eyes"の英語
  9. "seeing-a-doctor-regularly insurance amount"の英語
  10. "seeing this destruction day after day, the children became deeply disturbed"の英語
  11. "seeing through"の英語
  12. "seeing to"の英語
  13. "seeing voices"の英語

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